LouisaMatthiasdottir.com was created by the Estate of Louisa Matthíasdóttir. If you would like to reproduce any of these images, inquire about purchasing work or would like to request further information please contact us.
This is by site is by no means a full representation of Matthíasdóttir’s work or career. We encourage anyone who enjoys or is interested in her work to make use of the many other resources we list on this site as well. For the most recent and comprehensive compilation of information and reproductions please refer to the book Louisa Matthíasdóttir edited by Jed Perl and published in September 2000 by Hudson Hills Press, which includes over 200 quality reproductions, a photographic biography, and text by acclaimed critic Jed Perl, poet John Ashbery, art historian Martica Sawin, art historian Adelsteinn Ingolfsson and former Icelandic President Vigdís Finnbogadóttir.